100 Riddiford St
Wellington, Wellington, 6021
New Zealand

(04) 939 4263

Working Hands is a privately-owned clinic that specialises in conditions of the lower arm. All of our therapists are qualified Physiotherapists, and recognised as Registered Hand Therapists with both ACC and the New Zealand Association of Hand Therapists. We work closely with Orthopaedic and Plastic Surgeons, local GPs, case managers (for both ACC and private insurers) and other allied health professionals.

COVID-19 update 28/04/2020  Level 3

Working Hands Blog

COVID-19 update 28/04/2020 Level 3

Amanda Johnson

Well done everyone for all your efforts!

Through all that you have done and sacrificed, we have now earned our Level 3 status.

For Working Hands, this means that our clinic doors will remain closed for face-to-face contacts during this time. We are still available for Telehealth services and will happily discuss any concerns you may have.

Remember all the rules we have followed to date:

Keep physical distancing but social connection.

Remain kind to one another.

Remember, we are all in this together.

Keep up with all the good work of staying safe and well in our bubbles.

We look forward to catching up again when the restrictions have been lifted.

You may contact us via: P: 939 4263, M: 027 883 8789 or E: appointment@workinghands.co.nz

Kia Kaha

Arohanui xo

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